Boosting Your Childs Self Esteem

The following statements are proven boosters to children's self-esteem.  Copy this list and keep it where you can read it every day!

  • I listen to my children and acknowledge their feelings.
  • I am clear and consistent about discipline.  I use "I" statements to express my thoughts and feelings and I avoid "you" statements that blame, shame, label or ridicule my children
  • I use the same good manners with my children that I would want with an adult.  This means saying "please" and "thank you."
  • My behavior with my children leaves no doubt in their minds that they are loved.
  • I trust my children and I always keep my promises, so my kids will trust me too.  I don't make promises that I can't keep.
  • I am quick to compliment my children.
  • I am teaching my children right from wrong.
  • I help my children set their own goals.
  • I understand that both my children and I will make mistakes, I am not afraid to say "I'm sorry" when the mistake is mine.
  • I encourage my children to be independent, but I make sure I'm available if they need me.
  • I am teaching my children valuable lessons such as problem solving, communication, sharing and respect for themselves and others.
  • I honor each of my children's unique abilities and personalities, allowing them to be different.
  • I encourage my children to pursue what they're not good at, not what I wish they were good at it.
  • I refrain from comparing my children to someone else, even to a sibling.
  • I take care of myself so that I have plenty of energy for my children.

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