Grand Master Bobby LaMattina
Grand Master Bobby LaMattina "Tokyo Joe"
(Grand Master - 10th Degree Black Belt)
Grand Master is not just another karate enthusiast. He has over 43 years of experience, for which his expertise as an instructor goes unprecedented. He has been called, öthe future of the martial arts.ö He is one of the most dynamic pioneers of Shaolin Kempo Karate, holding a 10th degree black belt in the style. Grandmaster also has a PhD of Philosophy for the oriental discipline of Zen Chuan and Character education. Grand Master has dedicated his life to helping people instill good morals and values. His goal in life is to educate his students on character traits that will last a lifetime. The title Grand Master is a very special title used for chief instructors of yodan or higher with thirty years experience and covers a broad range of higher ranks and ages. Grand Master welcomes you to come experience the many benefits his system has to offer you!