Everyday Courage

Many Martial Arts films depict characters that fearlessly use their Martial Arts skills to solve problems and defeat enemies.  They can seem to be the very definition of courage; they can be powerful, self sufficient and confident in the face of frightening situations.  In real life, the cost courageous acts of these same Martial Arts icons may have little to do with their ability to overpower others physically and much more to do with their inner strength.  Courageous people are grown, not born and the seeds of courage are in us all.  Here are six everyday ways that all Martial Artists can develop their courageous spirit.

Take Risks:  The fear of risk can be very powerful, but facing it can mean tremendous positive change in your life.  Commit to taking a risk weighing the consequences and preparing for them - then, go for it!

Admit Your Mistakes:  With risks comes the possibility that you will make mistakes.  Remember, however, that mistakes can teach better than many successes.  Rather than beating yourself up about them, think about what you have learned and use your energy to problem-solve and to decide on new strategies.

Be Willing to Learn New Things:  Lessons in life can come in unexpected packages.  Every life experience can leave you savvier and better prepared for future challenges and opportunities.

Allow Yourself to Care About Others:  Attachments to others can be painful at times.  Take the time to get to know the people in your life and take a chance on caring.  The rewards of being in a mutually supportive relationship, whether it is with family, friends or members of a community are well worth the gamble.

Allow Others to Care for You:  If caring for others is tough, letting others know that you need to be cared for even more so!  We all need physical contact, social interaction and love to be our best.  Find someone in your life that you can trust enough to ask for help when you need to, and try saying "yes" when help is offered!

Stick to Your Principles:  At times, it may seem that everyone around you sees things very differently than you do.  Its okay to consider the arguments of others, but ultimately, stand firmly by your beliefs - belief in your principles and belief in yourself.

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